In [ ]:
Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
In [1]:
import json
import pandas as pd
import csv
import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats
from sklearn import svm
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, cross_val_score
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from sklearn import linear_model
from collections import defaultdict
import scikits.bootstrap as boot
In [2]:
def get_ids(df):
conversations = df.values.tolist()
conversation_ids = []
for conv in conversations:
cur_conv = json.loads(conv)
return conversation_ids
In [3]:
def get_action_lst(conv):
cur_conv = json.loads(conv)
return list(cur_conv.keys())[0]
In [4]:
def get_paired_action_lst(conv):
conv = json.loads(conv)
cur_conv1 = conv['conversation1']
cur_conv2 = conv['conversation2']
return list(cur_conv1.keys())[0], list(cur_conv2.keys())[0]
In [5]:
def non_readable_or_not_sure(df):
df['not_English'] = (df['na'] == True)
df['not_sure_toxicity'] = (df['toxic'] == -1)
non_english = pd.DataFrame({'not_readable': df.groupby('_unit_id')['not_English'].mean() >=0.5}).reset_index()
non_english = non_english[non_english['not_readable'] == True]['_unit_id'].values.tolist()
not_sure_toxicity = pd.DataFrame({'not_sure_toxicity': df.groupby('_unit_id')['not_sure_toxicity'].mean() >= 0.5}).reset_index()
not_sure_toxicity = not_sure_toxicity[not_sure_toxicity['not_sure_toxicity'] == True]['_unit_id'].values.tolist()
return non_english + not_sure_toxicity
In [6]:
def attacker_in_conv(conv):
actions = conv['action_feature']
end_time = max([a['timestamp_in_sec'] for a in actions])
attacker = None
for a in actions:
if a['timestamp_in_sec'] == end_time:
attacker = a['user_text']
for a in actions:
if a['timestamp_in_sec'] < end_time and a['user_text'] == attacker:
return True
return False
In [7]:
constraint = "constraintA+B"
job_suffix = 'constraintsAB_v017'
In [79]:
constraint = "constraintB"
job_suffix = 'constraintB_v018'
In [9]:
cleaned_data = []
with open('/scratch/wiki_dumps/paired_conversations/%s/data/all.json'%constraint) as f:
for line in f:
conv_id, clss, conversation = json.loads(line)
cleaned_data.append([conv_id, clss, conversation])
In [42]:
#filename = '/scratch/wiki_dumps/annotated/paired_human_annotation.csv'
filename = '/scratch/wiki_dumps/annotated/paired_fix.csv'
with open(filename) as f:
df = pd.read_csv(f, encoding = 'utf-8', index_col=None, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
df['label'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['future_toxic'] -1, axis=1)
df['toxic_label'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['now_toxic'] -1 if x['now_toxic'] == 1 or x['now_toxic'] == 2 else -1, axis=1)
human_labels = pd.DataFrame({'label': df.groupby('_unit_id')['label'].mean() > 0.5, \
'toxic_label': df[df['toxic_label'] >= 0].groupby('_unit_id')['label'].mean() > 0.5}).\
human_labels['label'] = human_labels['label'].apply(lambda x: int(x))
print(len(human_labels[pd.isnull(human_labels['toxic_label'])]), len(human_labels))
human_labels = human_labels.fillna(0)
human_labels['toxic_label'] = human_labels['toxic_label'].apply(lambda x: int(x))
unit_ids = df[['_unit_id','conversations']].values.tolist()
id_conv_mapping = {}
for unit_id in unit_ids:
curid, conv = unit_id
id_conv_mapping[curid] = get_paired_action_lst(conv)
unit_ids = id_conv_mapping
data = []
appeared = {}
for line in cleaned_data:
conv_id, clss, conversation = line
idlist = [k['id'] for k in conversation['action_feature']]
page_title = conversation['action_feature'][0]['page_title']
if clss: continue
for curid, conv in id_conv_mapping.items():
if conv[0] in idlist:
data.append({'_unit_id': curid, 'bad_conv': 0, 'page_title': page_title, 'bad_conv_id': conv_id})
appeared[conv_id] = True
elif conv[1] in idlist:
data.append({'_unit_id': curid, 'bad_conv': 1, 'page_title': page_title, 'bad_conv_id': conv_id})
human_df = pd.DataFrame(data).set_index('_unit_id')
human_df = human_df.join(human_labels.set_index('_unit_id'))
human_df['accuracy'] = human_df.apply(lambda x: int(x['label'] == x['bad_conv']), axis=1)
human_df['toxic_accuracy'] = human_df.apply(lambda x: int(x['toxic_label'] == x['bad_conv']), axis=1)
In [43]:
with open('/scratch/wiki_dumps/annotated/paired_accuracy_ver1.csv') as f:
human_df_ver1 = pd.read_csv(f, encoding = 'utf-8', index_col=None, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
In [44]:
bads = human_df['bad_conv_id'].values.tolist()
human_df_ver1 = human_df_ver1[~(human_df_ver1['bad_conv_id'].isin(bads))]
human_df = pd.concat([human_df, human_df_ver1])
scores = human_df.groupby('page_title')['accuracy'].mean().reset_index()
print(np.mean(scores['accuracy']), scipy.stats.sem(scores['accuracy']), \
np.mean(scores['accuracy']) + scipy.stats.sem(scores['accuracy']) * 1.96)
toxic_scores = human_df.groupby('page_title')['toxic_accuracy'].mean().reset_index()
print(np.mean(toxic_scores['toxic_accuracy']), scipy.stats.sem(toxic_scores['toxic_accuracy']))
In [82]:
with open('human.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(scores['accuracy'].values.tolist(), f)
In [52]:
with open('human_p.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(toxic_scores['toxic_accuracy'].values.tolist(), f)
In [102]:
with open('/scratch/wiki_dumps/annotated/toxicity_in_context_constraintAB_v019.csv') as f:
df = pd.read_csv(f, encoding = 'utf-8', index_col=None, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
In [110]:
toxic_annotations = df[df['toxic'] >= 0]
toxic_comments = pd.DataFrame({'toxic': toxic_annotations.groupby('_unit_id')['toxic'].mean() >= 0.5}).\
In [111]:
print(len(toxic_comments[toxic_comments['toxic'] == True]) / len(toxic_comments))
In [9]:
filename = '/scratch/wiki_dumps/annotated/job1_%s.csv'%job_suffix
with open(filename) as f:
df = pd.read_csv(f, encoding = 'utf-8', index_col=None, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
toxicity = df[df['toxic'] >= 0]
toxic_before = pd.DataFrame({'toxic_before': toxicity.groupby('_unit_id')['toxic'].mean() >= 0.5}).\
toxic_before = toxic_before[toxic_before['toxic_before'] == True]['_unit_id'].values.tolist()
_excluded = list(set(non_readable_or_not_sure(df) + toxic_before))
annotated = set(get_ids(df['conversations']))
excluded_1 = set(get_ids(df[df['_unit_id'].isin(_excluded)]['conversations']))
annotations = pd.DataFrame({'not_toxic': df[df['toxic'] == 0].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'toxic': df[df['toxic'] == 1].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'not_sure_toxic': df[df['toxic'] < 0].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'not_disagree': df[df['disagreement'] == 0].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'disagree': df[df['disagreement'] == 1].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'not_sure_disagree': df[df['disagreement'] < 0].groupby('_unit_id').size(),
'very_unlikey2toxic': df[df['lead_to_toxic'] == -2].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'unlikely2toxic': df[df['lead_to_toxic'] == -1].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'likely2toxic': df[df['lead_to_toxic'] == 1].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'very_likely2toxic': df[df['lead_to_toxic'] == 2].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'not_sure2toxic': df[np.isnan(df['lead_to_toxic'])].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'no_annotators': df.groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'toxicity_score' : df[df['toxic'] > 0].groupby('_unit_id')['toxic'].mean(), \
'lead_to_toxic_score': df[~pd.isnull(df['lead_to_toxic'])].groupby('_unit_id')['lead_to_toxic'].mean(), \
'disagree_score' : df[df['disagreement'] > 0].groupby('_unit_id')['disagreement'].mean()}).reset_index()
annotations = annotations.fillna(int(0))
unit_ids = df[['_unit_id','conversations']].values.tolist()
id_conv_mapping = {}
for unit_id in unit_ids:
curid, conv = unit_id
id_conv_mapping[curid] = get_action_lst(conv)
unit_ids = id_conv_mapping
data = []
appeared = {}
for line in cleaned_data:
conv_id, clss, conversation = line
idlist = [k['id'] for k in conversation['action_feature']]
page_title = conversation['action_feature'][0]['page_title']
if clss:
matched_id = conversation['action_feature'][0]['bad_conversation_id']
matched_id = conversation['action_feature'][0]['good_conversation_id']
for curid, conv in id_conv_mapping.items():
if conv in idlist and not(conv_id in appeared):
data.append({'_unit_id': curid, 'conv_id': conv_id, 'matched_id': matched_id, \
'class' : clss, 'page_title': page_title})
appeared[conv_id] = True
conv_df = pd.DataFrame(data).set_index('_unit_id')
conv_df = conv_df.join(annotations.set_index('_unit_id')).set_index('conv_id')
In [55]:
with open('/scratch/wiki_dumps/annotated/job1_ver1.csv', 'w') as f:
conv_df.to_csv(f, encoding = 'utf-8', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
In [57]:
with open('/scratch/wiki_dumps/annotated/job1_ver1.csv') as f:
conv_df_ver1 = pd.read_csv(f, encoding = 'utf-8', index_col=0, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
In [58]:
fix = list(set(conv_df_ver1.index.values) - set(conv_df.index.values))
conv_df_ver1 = conv_df_ver1.ix[fix]
conv_df = pd.concat([conv_df_ver1, conv_df])
In [37]:
with open('to_annotate.json', 'w') as w:
json.dump(conv_df['conv_id'].values.tolist(), w)
In [38]:
# Each Conversation is annotated by 5~22 workers JOB1
In [20]:
filename ='/scratch/wiki_dumps/annotated/job2_%s.csv'%('fix')
with open(filename) as f:
df = pd.read_csv(f, encoding = 'utf-8', index_col=None, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
#_excluded = list(set(non_readable_or_not_sure(df)))
#excluded_2 = set(get_ids(df[df['_unit_id'].isin(_excluded)]['conversations']))
#excluded = (excluded_1 | excluded_2)
df['conv_id'] = df.apply(lambda x: list(json.loads(x['conversations']).keys())[0], axis=1)
toxicity = df[df['toxic'] >= 0]
toxic = pd.DataFrame({'toxic': toxicity.groupby('_unit_id')['toxic'].mean() >= 0.5}).reset_index()
bad_convs = toxic[toxic['toxic'] == True]['_unit_id'].values.tolist()
bad_conversations = set(get_ids(df[df['_unit_id'].isin(bad_convs)]['conversations']))
df['disagrees'] = df.apply(lambda x: 0 if pd.isnull(x['disagreement']) else 1, axis=1)
annotations = pd.DataFrame({'not_toxic_job2': df[df['toxic'] == 0].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'toxic_job2': df[df['toxic'] == 1].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'not_sure_toxic_job2': df[df['toxic'] < 0].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'not_disagree_job2': df[df['disagrees'] == 0].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'disagree_job2': df[df['disagrees'] == 1].groupby('_unit_id').size(), \
'no_annotators_job2': df.groupby('_unit_id').size()}).reset_index()
unit_ids = df[['_unit_id','conversations']].values.tolist()
id_conv_mapping = {}
for unit_id in unit_ids:
curid, conv = unit_id
id_conv_mapping[curid] = get_action_lst(conv)
unit_ids = id_conv_mapping
data = []
appeared = {}
for line in cleaned_data:
conv_id, clss, conversation = line
idlist = [k['id'] for k in conversation['action_feature']]
for curid, conv in id_conv_mapping.items():
if conv in idlist and not(conv_id in appeared):
data.append({'_unit_id': curid, 'conv_id': conv_id})
appeared[conv_id] = True
after_conv_df = pd.DataFrame(data).set_index('_unit_id')
after_conv_df = after_conv_df.join(annotations.set_index('_unit_id')).set_index('conv_id')
In [11]:
with open('/scratch/wiki_dumps/annotated/job2_ver1.csv', 'w') as f:
after_conv_df.to_csv(f, encoding = 'utf-8', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
In [15]:
with open('/scratch/wiki_dumps/annotated/job2_ver1.csv') as f:
after_conv_df_ver1 = pd.read_csv(f, encoding = 'utf-8', index_col=0, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
In [38]:
fix = list(set(after_conv_df_ver1.index.values) - set(after_conv_df.index.values))
after_conv_df_ver1 = after_conv_df_ver1.ix[fix]
after_conv_df = pd.concat([after_conv_df_ver1, after_conv_df])
In [34]:
conv_df = conv_df.join(after_conv_df)
In [ ]:
In [35]:
In [36]:
with open('/scratch/wiki_dumps/annotated/accuracy_ver1.csv', 'w') as f:
conv_df.to_csv(f, encoding = 'utf-8', index=None, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
In [116]:
conv_df['human_performance'] = conv_df.apply(lambda x: (x['very_likely2toxic'] * 2 + x['likely2toxic'] * 1 + \
x['very_unlikey2toxic'] * -2 + x['unlikely2toxic'] * -1) / \
(x['very_likely2toxic'] + x['likely2toxic'] + \
x['very_unlikey2toxic'] + x['unlikely2toxic']), axis = 1)
In [74]:
conv_df['human_performance'] = conv_df.apply(lambda x: 1 if x['human_performance'] > 0 else 0, axis=1)
In [77]:
conv_df['human_performance'] = conv_df.apply(lambda x: x['human_performance'] == x['class'], axis=1)
In [83]:
np.mean(conv_df['human_performance']), scipy.stats.sem(conv_df['human_performance'] * 1.96)
In [33]:
conv_df = after_conv_df.fillna(0)
In [34]:
conv_df['annotator_agreements'] = conv_df.apply(lambda x: x['not_toxic_job2']**2 + x['toxic_job2']**2 + x['not_sure_toxic_job2']**2, axis=1)
In [35]:
conv_df['annoator_pairs'] = conv_df.apply(lambda x: (x['not_toxic_job2'] + x['toxic_job2'] + x['not_sure_toxic_job2'])**2, axis=1)
In [36]:
sum(conv_df['annotator_agreements']) / sum(conv_df['annoator_pairs'])
In [38]:
conv_df['agreemnt_b'] = conv_df.apply(lambda x: x['annotator_agreements'] / x['annoator_pairs'] , axis = 1)
In [40]:
In [26]:
conv_df = conv_df.join(after_conv_df)
In [27]:
conv_df = conv_df.fillna(int(0))
In [28]:
df['has_disagreement'] = ~(pd.isnull(df['disagreement']))
disagreement = pd.DataFrame({'disagreement': df.groupby('_unit_id')['has_disagreement'].mean() >= 0.5}).reset_index()
disagree_convs = disagreement[disagreement['disagreement'] == True]['_unit_id'].values.tolist()
disagree_conversations = set(get_ids(df[df['_unit_id'].isin(disagree_convs)]['conversations']))
In [29]:
bad_and_disagree = (bad_conversations & disagree_conversations - excluded)
good_and_disagree = (disagree_conversations - bad_conversations - excluded)
In [27]:
In [28]:
data = []
bad_disagree = []
good_disagree = []
xs = []
total_bad = 0
total_good = 0
for line in cleaned_data:
conv_id, clss, conversation = line
idlist = [k['id'] for k in conversation['action_feature']]
is_annotated = not(annotated.isdisjoint(idlist))
is_excluded = not(excluded.isdisjoint(idlist))
is_bd = not(bad_and_disagree.isdisjoint(idlist))
is_gd = not(good_and_disagree.isdisjoint(idlist))
annotated_class = bad_conversations.isdisjoint(idlist)
same_class = (int(annotated_class) == clss)
if 'good_conversation_id' in conversation['action_feature'][0]:
matched_id = conversation['action_feature'][0]['good_conversation_id']
matched_id = conversation['action_feature'][0]['bad_conversation_id']
dt = {'conversation_id': conv_id, 'annotated': is_annotated, 'excluded': is_excluded, \
'annotated_class': annotated_class, 'class': clss, 'matched_id': matched_id, 'same_class': same_class}
if is_bd and not(is_excluded) and is_annotated:
if is_gd and not(is_excluded):
if annotated_class:
total_good += 1
else:total_bad += 1
In [29]:
bad_but_disagree = pd.DataFrame(bad_disagree)
good_but_disagree = pd.DataFrame(good_disagree)
print('Number of bad conversations with disagreement :', len(bad_but_disagree))
print('Total Number of bad conversations:', total_bad)
print('Number of good conversations with disagreement :', len(good_but_disagree))
print('Total Number of bad conversations:', total_good)
print('Good conversations with disagreement / good conversations:', len(good_but_disagree) / total_good)
print('Bad conversations with disagreement / bad conversations:', len(bad_but_disagree) / total_bad)
print('Bad conversations with disagreement / all conversations with disagreement', len(bad_but_disagree) / (len(good_but_disagree) + len(bad_but_disagree)))
print('Number of bad conversations / all conversations:', total_bad/(total_bad+total_good))
In [30]:
3744 - 2897
In [31]:
annotation_aggregated = pd.DataFrame(data)
print('Number of Conversations Annotated:', len(annotation_aggregated[annotation_aggregated['annotated'] == True]))
print('Number of Conversations Excluded:', len(annotation_aggregated[annotation_aggregated['excluded'] == True]))
annotation_aggregated = annotation_aggregated[(annotation_aggregated['annotated'] == True)\
& (annotation_aggregated['excluded'] == False)\
& (annotation_aggregated['same_class'] == True)]
left_ids = annotation_aggregated['conversation_id'].values.tolist()
annotation_aggregated = annotation_aggregated[annotation_aggregated['matched_id'].isin(left_ids)]
print('Number of Conversations left:', len(annotation_aggregated))
In [32]:
verified_pairs = annotation_aggregated['conversation_id'].values.tolist()
conv_df = conv_df.loc[verified_pairs]
In [30]:
In [87]:
len(conv_df[(conv_df['class'] == 0) & (conv_df['disagree_job2'] > conv_df['not_disagree_job2'])])
In [92]:
len(conv_df[(conv_df['class'] == 0) & (conv_df['disagree_job2'] > conv_df['not_disagree_job2'])]) / len(conv_df[conv_df['class'] == 1])
In [101]:
In [117]:
for var in ['toxicity', 'disagree', 'lead_to_toxic']:
conv_df['%s_equals'%(var)] = conv_df.apply(lambda x: 1 if conv_df.loc[x['matched_id']]['%s_score'%(var)] == x['%s_score'%(var)] else 0, axis=1)
conv_df['%s_annotation'%(var)] = conv_df.apply(lambda x: 1 if conv_df.loc[x['matched_id']]['%s_score'%(var)] > x['%s_score'%(var)] else 0, axis=1)
In [121]:
for var in ['toxicity', 'disagree', 'lead_to_toxic']:
print(var + ' accuracy :', len(conv_df[conv_df['%s_annotation'%(var)] == conv_df['class']]) / len(conv_df))
conv_df[var + ' performance'] = conv_df.apply(lambda x: int(x['%s_annotation'%(var)] == x['class']), axis=1)
print(var + ' CI:', scipy.stats.sem(conv_df[var + ' performance']) * 1.96)
tmp_df = conv_df[conv_df['%s_equals'%var] == 0]
print(var + ' number of equals:', len(conv_df) - len(tmp_df))
print(var + ' accuracy without equals:', len(tmp_df[tmp_df['%s_annotation'%(var)] == tmp_df['class']]) \
/ len(tmp_df))
In [29]:
for var in ['toxicity', 'disagree', 'lead_to_toxic']:
all_good = conv_df[conv_df['class'] == 1]
all_good['%s_gap'%(var)] = all_good.apply(lambda x: conv_df.loc[x['matched_id']]['%s_score'%(var)] - x['%s_score'%(var)], axis=1)
plt.xlabel('Bad - Good : human annotation on %s'%(var))
good = conv_df[conv_df['class'] == 1]['%s_score'%(var)].values.tolist()
bad = conv_df[conv_df['class'] == 0]['%s_score'%(var)].values.tolist()
print(np.mean(good), np.mean(bad), scipy.stats.wilcoxon(good, bad))
print('Bad - Good < 0', len(all_good[all_good['%s_gap'%(var)] < 0]))
print('Bad - Good > 0', len(all_good[all_good['%s_gap'%(var)] > 0]))
print('Bad - Good == 0', len(all_good[all_good['%s_gap'%(var)] == 0]))
In [33]:
test = {}
with open('/scratch/wiki_dumps/expr_with_matching/%s/data/baks/never_seen.json'%(constraint)) as f:
for line in f:
conv_id, clss, conversation = json.loads(line)
test[conv_id] = True
In [107]:
trainlst = []
with open('/scratch/wiki_dumps/expr_with_matching/%s/data/train_cleaned_verified.json'%(constraint)) as w:
for line in w:
conv_id, clss, conversation = json.loads(line)
In [109]:
conv_df = conv_df.loc[trainlst]
In [34]:
left = []
with open('/scratch/wiki_dumps/expr_with_matching/%s/data/test_verified.json'%(constraint), 'w') as w:
for conv in cleaned_data:
conv_id, clss, conversation = conv
if not(conv_id in verified_pairs):
if not(conv_id in test):
w.write(json.dumps(conv) + '\n')
with open('/scratch/wiki_dumps/expr_with_matching/%s/data/train_verified.json'%(constraint), 'w') as w:
for conv in left:
w.write(json.dumps(conv) + '\n')
In [10]:
In [11]:
def documents2feature_vectors(human_features):
fks = False
X, y = [], []
cnt = 0
max_X = {}
matched_pairs = defaultdict(list)
for dic in human_features:
conversation = {}
for key in ['toxic', 'disagree']:
conversation['proportion_' + key] = dic[key] / dic['no_annotators']
conversation['proportion_not_sure_' + key] = dic['not_sure_'+key] / dic['no_annotators']
conversation['average_' + key] = dic[key] / (dic[key] + dic['not_' + key])
points = [1, 2, -1, -2]
conversation['average_likelihood'] = 0
for ind, key in enumerate(['likely', 'very_likely', 'unlikely', 'very_unlikey']):
conversation['proportion_' + key] = dic[key + '2toxic'] / dic['no_annotators']
conversation['average_likelihood'] += dic[key+'2toxic'] *points[ind]
conversation['average_likelihood'] /= dic['no_annotators']
clss = dic['class']
fs = conversation
if not fks:
fks = sorted(fs.keys())
for f in fks:
max_X[f] = fs[f]
fv = [fs[f] for f in fks]
for f in fks:
max_X[f] = max(max_X[f], fs[f])
if cnt % 1000 == 0:
cnt += 1
for fv in X:
for ind, f in enumerate(fks):
if max_X[f] == 0:
fv[ind] /= max_X[f]
X = csr_matrix(np.asarray(X))
y = np.asarray(y)
return X, y, fks, list(matched_pairs.values())
In [12]:
X, y, feature_names, matched_pairs = documents2feature_vectors(list(conv_df.T.to_dict().values()))
In [13]:
def train_svm(X, y, C_svm, matched_pairs):
# For good luck
tuned_parameters = [#{'kernel': ['rbf'], 'gamma': [1e-3, 1e-4], 'C': [1, 10, 100, 1000]},
{'C': [a * C_svm for a in [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9]]}]
train_indices = []
test_indices = []
y_l = len(y)
for pair in matched_pairs:
train = []
test = []
for ind in range(y_l):
if ind in pair:
print(len(train_indices), len(test_indices))
# print([len(t) for t in test_indices])
lpo = zip(train_indices, test_indices)
clf = GridSearchCV(svm.LinearSVC(), tuned_parameters, cv=lpo, scoring = 'accuracy'), y)
# logreg = GridSearchCV(linear_model.LogisticRegression(), linear_tuned_parameters, cv=lpo, scoring= 'accuracy')
#, y)
print("Best parameters set found on development set:")
print("Grid scores on development set:")
cur = 0
best_scores = []
for params, mean_score, scores in clf.grid_scores_:
print("%0.3f for %r"
% (mean_score, params), scipy.stats.sem(scores))
if mean_score > cur:
best_scores = scores
cur = mean_score
return best_scores
# for params, mean_score, scores in logreg.grid_scores_:
# print("%0.3f (+/-%0.03f) for %r"
# % (mean_score, scores.std() * 1.96, params))
# print(scores.mean())
# print scores
In [14]:
human_p = train_svm(X, y, 0.001, matched_pairs)
In [15]:
with open('human_p.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(list(human_p), f)
In [128]:
def plot_coefficients(classifier, feature_names, top_neg_features, top_pos_features):
coef = classifier.coef_.ravel()
top_positive_coefficients = np.argsort(coef)[-top_neg_features:]
top_negative_coefficients = np.argsort(coef)[:top_pos_features]
top_coefficients = np.hstack([top_negative_coefficients, top_positive_coefficients])
# create plot
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
colors = ['red' if c < 0 else 'blue' for c in coef[top_coefficients]] + top_neg_features)), coef[top_coefficients], color=colors, alpha=0.5)
names = np.array(feature_names)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, (top_pos_features + top_neg_features)), names[top_coefficients], rotation=60, ha='right')
plt.title('Top Positive and Negative Features')
return list(names[top_positive_coefficients]), list(names[top_negative_coefficients])
In [135]:
classifier = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=0.005), y)
top_pos, top_neg= plot_coefficients(classifier, feature_names, 10, 1)
In [41]:
def add_row_to_coincidence(o, row, columns):
m_u = row.sum(1)
for i in columns:
for j in columns:
if i == j:
o[i][j] = o[i][j] + row[i]*(row[i]-1)/(m_u-1)
o[i][j] = o[i][j] + row[i]*row[j]/(m_u-1)
return o
def make_coincidence_matrix(df, columns):
df = df[columns]
n = df.shape[0]
num_cols = len(columns)
o = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((num_cols,num_cols)), index = columns, columns=columns)
for i in range(n):
o = add_row_to_coincidence(o, df[i:i+1], columns)
return o
def binary_distance(i,j):
return i!=j
def interval_distance(i,j):
return (int(i)-int(j))**2
def e(n, i, j):
if i == j:
return n[i]*(n[i]-1)/sum(n)-1
return n[i]*n[j]/sum(n)-1
def D_e(o, columns, distance):
n = o.sum(1)
output = 0
for i in columns:
for j in columns:
output = output + e(n,i,j)*distance(i,j)
return output
def D_o(o, columns, distance):
output = 0
for i in columns:
for j in columns:
output = output + o[i][j]*distance(i,j)
return output
def Krippendorf_alpha(df, columns, distance = binary_distance, o = None):
if o is None:
o = make_coincidence_matrix(df, columns)
d_o = D_o(o, columns, distance)
d_e = D_e(o, columns, distance)
return (1 - d_o/d_e)
In [51]:
TOXIC_COLUMNS = ['not_toxic_job2', 'toxic_job2','not_sure_toxic_job2']
total = conv_df[['not_toxic_job2', 'toxic_job2','not_sure_toxic_job2']]
total = total.fillna(int(0)).reset_index()
total['sum'] = total['not_toxic_job2'] + total['toxic_job2'] + total['not_sure_toxic_job2']
#total = total[total['sum'] ==20]
print(len(total[total['sum'] == 5]) / len(total))
#total = total[total['sum'] == 5]
total['toxic_job2'] = total.apply(lambda x: int(x['toxic_job2']), axis=1)
n,bins,batches = plt.hist(total['not_toxic_job2'])
#print(len(total[total['not_toxic_job2'] > 20]) / len(total))
#total = total[~(total['_unit_id'].isin(_excluded))]
print('All Annotator Agreement: Number of Examples : %d, Kalpha : %f'%(len(total), Krippendorf_alpha(total, TOXIC_COLUMNS)))
print('5 Annotator Agreement: Number of Examples : %d, Kalpha : %f'%(len(total[total['sum'] == 5]), Krippendorf_alpha(total[total['sum'] == 5], TOXIC_COLUMNS)))
print('20 Annotator Agreement: Number of Examples : %d, Kalpha : %f'%(len(total[total['sum'] == 20]), Krippendorf_alpha(total[total['sum'] == 20], TOXIC_COLUMNS)))
In [60]:
TOXIC_COLUMNS = ['not_toxic_job2', 'toxic_job2','not_sure_toxic_job2']
kalphas = []
for ind in range(10):
total = conv_df[['not_toxic_job2', 'toxic_job2','not_sure_toxic_job2']]
new_total = []
for index, row in total.iterrows():
s = row['not_toxic_job2'] + row['toxic_job2'] + row['not_sure_toxic_job2']
if s > 5:
al = [0] * int(row['not_toxic_job2']) + [1] * int(row['toxic_job2']) + [2] * int(row['not_sure_toxic_job2'])
picked = random.sample(al, 5)
entries = ['not_toxic_job2', 'toxic_job2','not_sure_toxic_job2']
new_row = {'not_toxic_job2' : 0, 'toxic_job2': 0,'not_sure_toxic_job2': 0}
for r in picked:
new_row[entries[r]] += 1
total = pd.DataFrame(new_total)
total = total.fillna(int(0)).reset_index()
total['sum'] = total['not_toxic_job2'] + total['toxic_job2'] + total['not_sure_toxic_job2']
total['toxic_job2'] = total.apply(lambda x: int(x['toxic_job2']), axis=1)
kalphas.append(Krippendorf_alpha(total, TOXIC_COLUMNS))
print(np.mean(kalphas), scipy.stats.sem(kalphas))
In [164]:
TOXIC_COLUMNS = ['no_toxic', 'toxic']
no_toxic = pd.DataFrame({'no_toxic': df[df['toxic'] == 0].groupby('_unit_id').size()}).reset_index().set_index('_unit_id')
toxic = pd.DataFrame({'toxic': df[df['toxic'] == 1].groupby('_unit_id').size()}).reset_index().set_index('_unit_id')
total = toxic.join(no_toxic, how='outer')
total = total.fillna(0).reset_index()
total['sum'] = total['toxic'] + total['no_toxic']
total = total[total['sum'] ==20]